Major CES Upgrade

Versión en español de este post Overview A team of volunteers has come together to completely overhaul the CES system. The core of the new system will be a state-of-the-art mobile app, and the CES website will also change to embody the functionality of this app. This...

Nueva Versión de CES 2.0

English version of this post Descripción general CES ha renovado su plataforma gracias al equipo de voluntarios profesionales y humanitarios. CES viene con una App de última generación, mientras que la web CES incorpora la funcionalidad de la App. La plataforma CES es...

Major CES Upgrade

Versión en español de este post Overview A team of volunteers has come together to completely overhaul the CES system. The core of the new system will be a state-of-the-art mobile app, and the CES website will also change to embody the functionality of this app. This...

Which comes first: Production or Exchange?

This is one of those classic chicken and egg questions. There can be no exchange without production but production can only happen if there are preceding exchanges. At first glance it seems that production must be the starting point because if you want to exchange you...

Why Community Exchange?

Many join the Community Exchange System (CES) because they find it a cute idea: people exchanging things without using money. Often the CES is seen as a “barter system” because no money is involved in “getting stuff” and we “pay”...

“New Economy” or “Noconomy”

In the midst of the Coronacrisis we hear many calls for a “new economy”. These come from both sides: from the upholders of the current economy, and from those who have always longed for a more relaxed, less destructive and exploitative one. Is it possible to create a...

What is the Difference Between Talents* and Money

Many who join the Community Exchange System see little difference between Talents* and money. After all, both are used in a similar way to “get stuff”. Some believe that both are representations of “energy” and ultimately “do the same...

Free Yourself from the Grids!

In last week’s post we discussed the notion of self-reliance. This week we continue along the same vein, but look at what it is that keeps us dependent and reliant on the unreliable reality that was once called “normal”. Our dependency comes through...

Rediscover Self-Reliance

The response by many governments to the coronavirus outbreak has impoverished millions, created massive unemployment, destroyed businesses, disrupted supply chains and eroded our freedoms. We are left on our own to cope with the aftermath, meaning that we have to take...

Community Exchange Manifesto

Community Exchange Manifesto Short Version Our condition Exchange is the essence of life. For aeons, humans only knew non-monetary exchange. Humanity’s problems started when powerful elites took control of their societies’ means of exchange. Initially, this was...